Since 30 April 2022, Meow’s internet speed is upgraded to 500M (downloading) / 50M (uploading), provided by TWM Broadband (台灣大寬頻). It was 60M/20M.
The following summary is generated by the command networkQuality -v
which is introduced in macOS Monterey.
Upload capacity: 40.399 Mbps
Download capacity: 452.926 Mbps
Upload flows: 12
Download flows: 12
Responsiveness: High (1967 RPM)
Base RTT: 14
Start: 2022/4/30 16:34:52
End: 2022/4/30 16:35:02
OS Version: Version 12.3.1 (Build 21E258)
The result indicates a speed slightly slower than what speed testing websites suggested, but seems more realistic.