People in World of Warcraft used to believe that leather armours are conservative and not sexy. Moreover, there was even no proper transmog set for worgen females. When iWorgen Plus comes to World of Warcraft, it redefines the beautiful design to the transmogrification market.
iWorgen Plus — it takes the WoW experience to new heights.

Smaller is bigger.
Being smaller does not make you lack anything. In fact, it makes something bigger. iWorgen Plus features smaller armours that can reveal your breasts more and make them look bigger. With the small but colourful headdress, and other simple but wild armours, iWorgen Plus does not surpass your sexy body but makes your worgen female character look vivider and more seductive.

They do shake.
Worgen females have natural breasts, and they can shake beautifully. However, nobody knew as there was no proper sets to reveal those breasts.
iWorgen Plus includes Thunderlord Chestguard that can expose a half of your breasts. Players are now able to watch your breasts shaking.
Easy to get.
There are only seven armours of iWorgen Plus, but they can completely change your look. In addition, getting those seven armours is unbelievably easy, and even four of them are cheaply sold by vendors in your garrison and Stormshield. You can view those armours on Wowhead and get them in-game immediately, even if you are not a worgen female.

- The model character is Bustycat of the U.S. realm Emerald Dream.
- Please transmogrify your bracers when they cannot be completely covered by your gloves.