Recently Meow bought a used MacBook4,1 at a decent price, but the battery and display panel were broken. Meow disassembled a broken MacBook1,1 and reassembled the parts to that MacBook4,1, taking 7 hours.
Meow自2018年10月購入iPhone XR黑色款以來,長期都套當時一同購買的保護殼,長達兩年時間僅取出數次清潔,因此iPhone XR曾經一直保持近乎全新。
2020年底至今為防止遊戲造成iPhone XR過熱而卸下保護殼,僅出遠門才套上,然而缺少保護殼後在非出遠門的場合仍發生意外。數月前充電途中因同時在附近連接其他設備,不小心拉扯充電線導致iPhone XR滑落,好在充電位置離地板近,邊框僅留下非常不明顯的印記,自此十分注意充電環境。
後來發生的意外更加嚴重。2021年6月27日,這天是個星期天,Meow去附近買午餐,等待過程中途下起暴雨,回程意圖減少雨淋而小跑步,iPhone XR卻從口袋飛出。儘管螢幕毫髮無傷,背面玻璃下方有多道細微刮痕,鏡頭玻璃邊緣略有磨損,而邊框甚至因摩擦產生四道刮痕,肉眼清晰可見,白色鋁合金外露和黑框形成明顯反差。
屢次充分檢查,瞭解沒有任何地方裂開,手機功能一切正常,拍照成像沒有影響,算是這台iPhone XR命大,然而邊框刮痕掉漆還是需要解決。由於是黑色款,可用普通的方式試圖修補,因此傍晚購入雙頭奇異筆,先以1毫米筆頭基本填補,再以0.5毫米筆頭修飾細節,靜置一段時間後對較大刮痕再上一層。
就算iPhone XR邊框外觀大致修復,傷害仍是永久,只要手摸即可感受不平滑的觸感,再加上還有前面提到的反光。Meow的iPhone XR至此不再完美,但這也深深警示了Meow,待人處世只要一鬆懈,就會有意外發生,需要承受的代價更是一生一世。自此Meow只要出門攜帶手機,必會戴保護殼,避免歷史重演。
Many reviews on the internet have introduced DEPTHY, a three-dimension viewer by applying a greyscale depth map— the brighter the farther, the darker the closer. You can use DEPTHY to create an animated GIF so the objects can repeatedly move horizontally, vertically or circularly. Meow is not going to show how to use it, but how to use it alternatively.
為 None
According to the Dortania guide, before updating OpenCore to 0.6.6, you should set these in config.plist:
to True
to None
Then you have to reset NVRAM on your OpenCore menu. You have to press the Space key to show the option, or set HideAuxiliary
to False
in config.plist.
After booting to macOS again, update OpenCore to 0.6.6 and set MaxBIOSVersion
(exclusive for legacy Macs) to True
in config.plist. I strongly recommend updating OpenCore to 0.6.6 before updating macOS to 11.2 for Macs.
Besides, the latest OpenCore menu is now more genuine.
這方法適用近年發行的macOS,含Big Sur(版本11),並不需要停用SIP或其他安全功能。
macOS may show colour banding on an external display. To solve the issue, we need to follow the steps:
This solution works for recent macOS versions including Big Sur (version 11) and does not require SIP or any security function disabled.
WebP has been promoted as the next-generation image format (for ten years!), and then its powerful competitor AVIF comes. Do they work as excellent as people’s expectations? Unfortunately, colour banding happens on both of the new image formats.
Meow翻譯漫畫已將近兩年,完全純手工翻譯經典功夫熊貓漫畫《猶未為晚》(Better Late Than Never),這也是原畫家欽點的中文版,Meow也已翻譯了兩百多頁。
蘋果近期推出全新作業系統OS X Yosemite,美麗的半透明元素就像Meow那些穿白色泳衣的圖片一樣性感。當然不是只有外觀好,內在也好,第三方程式也更好,Meow慣用來改圖的Pixelmator就推出3.3,完美支援OS X Yosemite。